Garden Maintenance Services

Fine gardening is truly an art. A great garden has good intent, however to maintain it over time shows just how good it can look. A garden is never static, plants grow and ideas change. Knowledge of local practices, plants and lawns are essential. Most of us haven’t had schooling in gardening and certainly inherit our yards. Our knowledge is basically that everything grows and we need to hack it back whether we like it or not.
Maintaining a garden requires experience and expertise to understand the needs of different types of plants. We can help you understand your properties needs and to keep your property looking its best. Our garden maintenance services include lawn mowing, edging, as well as seasonal landscape fertilizing, pruning services, and more at a competitive and affordable price.

Plants Treatment

Plants Treatment

The presence of diseases is almost inevitable in every garden. Seeing your plants look less than stellar can be pretty heartbreaking. If you’ve tried many options and that doesn’t work, it could be a sign of a larger problem. Your plant could have a disease. Some plant diseases can eventually causes the leaves to turn yellow and drop off. Besides looking unsightly, it can seriously weaken your plant. Small issues may be you can tackle by your own but for the proper diagnosis and treatment it’s better to take some professional help. Our team of experienced professionals can help you to identify what’s hurting your plants and how to treat them effectively.

Grass Treatment

Grass Treatment

Has your lush green lawn all of a sudden started experiencing patches or has started to brown? It can be a cause for concern as there may be a lawn disease or fungus present. It is not uncommon for some lawns to have more issues than neighbouring properties, due to different soil conditions, maintenance, and water patterns. Lawn fungus and disease can come in a variety of forms. Some signs of disease include discoloration, brown and yellow patches of dead grass. It can kill your grass if there is no intervention. If your lawn is suffering from such diseases, we can help. By using our cost-effective solutions and guaranteed results, we will make your lawn disease-free while saving money.



Just like people, lawns and landscapes also need nourishment to grow and develop healthily. It is very important to fertilize your lawn in order to keep it healthy and green. Making the right decisions, knowing when to act, and what to avoid can be a challenge. The use of fertilizer is a crucial part of any lawn care program, and it complements other lawn care services. There are many factors to consider when planning a fertilization program, including the soil’s pH, the vegetation on your property, and the season. Without taking professional help when you will applied to your property, fertilizers can sometimes cause more harm than good. Don’t ever worry we are here to help. Our experts will help you to make your garden healthy and green.



This seasonally recurring activity ensures your landscape is always neat, manicured, and flourishing. The pruning services we provide include bushes, shrubs, hedges, trees, and perennial vines. The trimming of plants is an important part of proper landscaping because it enhances their health and development, as well as keeping them looking neat and beautiful. Trimming is also a tricky task, as you need to consider the weather conditions, the type of vegetation, the level of soil nutrition, and the availability of water. You don’t have to worry, we are here to help you. We have landscape and horticulture specialists who are trained in pruning vegetation, ensuring it remains healthy and thrives.



Mowing is an essential part of lawn care. The task of mowing your lawn can be tricky and challenging. Despite the fact that lawn mowing may be a fun and relaxing weekend activity, we understand you may not have the time or energy to mow the lawn when needed. Mowing equipment and doing the job yourself may seem appealing, but performing the task is not always the best choice. There is actually a risk to your lawn when you do this. Don’t ever worry about mowing, as our specialists know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. We will first evaluate the situation, assess the types of grass growing on your property, and take into account the local climatic conditions. Based on all these factors, we will customize a mowing program by raising and lowering the mower’s blades as needed and treating every turf variety differently.

Plants Staking

Plants Staking

Plants can sometimes withstand the elements on their own, while others need support. A stake provides support and strength, allowing plants to push upwards. Rapid growth isn’t the only reason for staking up your houseplants. There are some plants that are naturally top heavy and require staking. Ideally, the stake should be placed when the plant is relatively young and seeking support. Gardening stakes are essential for preventing the frustration of watching your flowers and enormous vegetable plants fall over with broken stems and trampled blooms. The correct way to stake a plant depends on the plant’s growth rate and the weather conditions the plant may face. Let us help you to maintain your garden that stands out from the rest. Our skilled workers will help you to stake your plants in a way that can support plants growth and will eliminate the risk of broken stems.



Proper watering ensures a healthy and thriving lawn all year long. Garden maintenance requires experience and expertise to understand the water requirements of different type of plants and serve them as per their need at right time. Every plant has a different water requirement. Some needs more and some may need occasionally. If you will not follow the right water requirements, it can severely impacts the plants. With proper understanding and information of the different plant types and their water needs you can keep your garden ever green and elegant with appealing plants growth.



The presence of weeds is unwelcome for any homeowner. The appearance of a well-maintained lawn can be disrupted by even a single weed, and new weeds are usually quick to follow. As weeds spread across your lawn, they compete for the sunlight and nutrients that your grass needs to flourish. With the help of our professionals, you’ll be able to get rid of the most common and most stubborn weeds surrounding your yard. In order to get rid of weeds permanently, our lawn care professionals employ the very best weed removal treatments available. Efficient maintenance like weeding and general upkeep ensure that your garden continues to be nourished, beautiful and healthy.

How we work?

Site Visit

A trained executive will visit your site in the first step. We take photographs, measurements and valuable input from the client.

Smart Design

After the site inspection, we will create the optimal design in 2D sketches or 3D video depending upon the client needs.

Free Estimate

After designing, we will provide you detailed scope, comprehensive price and time estimate for the project.


We begin the process of creating your dream as soon as you approve the design and estimate.


Our proactive solutions keep your property looking good now and into the future through consistent service delivery.